What Is Wrong With Dating Women Older Than You
Its really a topic to discuss concerning the rising arguments on this particular topic, this has turned to a debate topic or rather the stuff to discuss when guys meet and sit t talk and have a little chat.
I was with some guys when a particular guy was mocked that he always dates a lady that is older than him, that he never goes for his size, and it was indeed a thing to laugh about giving that it was really true and there was no messing around in it.
Though the guy was okay with and did not react negatively to the jibe, the question still stands up on till this moment. IS DATING SOMEONE OLDER THAN YOU WRONG?
Some guys are often fond with having a non-casual relationship with ladies or rather women. Most guys do think that, that is where the real thing is, and some guys do not fancy dating someone younger or at the same age as they are. It is purely a sole pinion and principle.
We all know that with love anything is possible, and in it there is no discrimination, for if a black is in love with a white or the other way round, that they will go to any extent to see that their will is fulfilled.
But which ever way it goes, the question still stands.
Some people might judge on respect, the youngest among the couple is said to be disrespectful to the older, and also it is viewed that the older one will a kinda feel cheap and small.
But the question is, Does it really matter? for when the relationship is built on true love they both will definitely respect themselves and will never belittle each other.
The most challenging part of this kind of relationships is in the early stages of the relationship, whereby the lady (should she be the oldest) always wants to drive and steer the relationship to the direction she wants, and should the guy want to make a decision, she comes up with the age stuff and gets the guy quiet.
The lady might want to keep the relationship on a low key, that is if she is the kind that is shy. She would not want her friends to know that she is dating someone younger than her. And she might avoid the guy sometimes when around friends.
But it is never really bad to date a lady older than you, for if true love exists between you two, then the relationship will damn be better than the relationships you think are right.
These is a topic which everyone has a different opinion, for we have different minds.
After so many individual views and contribution, the summary to come along is, it is left for you to decide what suits you best and if it seems bad or good to you then it is your call to make.