You Are Perfect The Way You Are! - TrueFacts

You Are Perfect The Way You Are!


Your Flaw Is Your Uniqueness

Many humans are fond of criticizing themselves or their friends or even those they do not hold close to their heart, accusing them of being flaw-filled.

There is a story of a Chinese woman who always goes to fetch water with two pots tied to a stick that is suspended on her neck. One of the pots has a crack while the other is just perfect.
Whenever she goes to fetch water, she fills the two pots and takes them home, but when she arrives at home she has only [11/2]  one and a halve pot of water instead of two full pots.

This continued over and over again for months, this made the pot which has a crack to feel blemish and it was disappointed in its self. It felt the crack has made it incomplete and also inferior to the other pot which was so complete, that it brings back a full pot of water compared to itself that bring just halve of it.

So when it was fed up with itself (the pot with a crack), it said to the owner who was its owner “Of what use am I to you, discard me since I cannot serve you as good as the other, I have a crack and that has made me useless”. The woman now replied to it saying “Say no such thing, it is true you have a crack and that makes me get home with a halve pot of water from you instead of a full pot. But have you not noticed that there are flowers on your path from the stream to the house, you water them whenever we walk home. That enables me to collect bunch of flowers every week that I use to decorate the house and make money out of some I sell, so you see, you are not useless, you are just as perfect as the other pot.”
This made the pot feel fulfilled and happy. 

So, do not feel you are inferior to anybody or you are incomplete. Your flaw makes you awesome, or rather FLAWSOME.

Start where you are with what you have and you will see where it will take you to. Discard that inferiority mindset from your dictionary.

Learn to be optimistic and believe you have what it takes, and never fall from your faith.

Your failure starts from you, what you say determines what comes to you. Learn to be positive!

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