Tips On How To Stop Vag-ina Odour - TrueFacts

Tips On How To Stop Vag-ina Odour

  Vag-inal odor is any odor that originates from the vagina. It's normal for your vagina to have a slight odor. But, a strong vaginal odor — for instance, a "fishy" smell — might be abnormal and could indicate a problem. An abnormal vaginal odor is usually associated with other vaginal signs and symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or discharge.
If you have contacted this vag-inal odor, below are tips to eliminate vag-ina odor
Identify any infections. 
 If you want to stop vag-inal odor in its tracks, you need to know out what's causing it first. The most common source of vag-inal odor is an infection. This can range from yeast infections, to bacterial infections, to STDs/STIs. The best practice to make sure that this is not the case is to go to the doctor and have them check you out. That said, there are a few different ways you can gauge if this is your problem:
  • If you have a lot of white discharge, you already have a yeast infection. Medicine for this can be found easily at any drugstore.
  • You might contract a bacteria infection if you don't practice proper toilet hygiene. Do you wipe front to back or back to front? Wiping back to front introduces bacteria into your vag-ina and can cause infections.
  • If you might have contracted an STD/STI, visit a doctor to get tested. 

Stop using fragrant body washes and soaps. 
It is best to use a mild soap with warm water. Soaps that are too harsh or have too many chemicals and fragrances can actually make your vagina produce more discharge that gives off the foul smell.
  • Make sure you aren't putting any soap too close to your vag-ina. You can use soap to clean your pubic hair, but try to keep it away from your vag-ina. Soap of any kind can throw off the delicate balance of your body.
Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar and yeast. 
 Foods such as bread, beer and mushrooms contain yeast, and the sugar in other foods turns into yeast. These foods can increase the amount of yeast in your vagina, causing a yeast infection.
Avoid pads and panty liners. 
You want vaginal discharge to be removed from your body, not held close next to it by items like panty liners and pads. Use these only when you need them and absolutely do not use scented products (as these can throw off your body's natural balance). 
 You want vaginal discharge to be wicked away from your body, not held close next to it by items like panty liners and pads. Use these only when you need them and absolutely do not use scented products (as these can throw off your body's natural balance). 

Use perfume. 
You can wear perfume normally to generally help reduce the smell, but if you have reason to think that someone special is going down there and you want to make sure you smell great, dab a very small amount of perfume about 4" up from your knee (on your inner thigh). Choose a perfume with a musky scent, as this will most closely resemble your natural smell. 

Soak yourself in apple cider vinegar. 
Apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial. Add 1 to 2 cups (240 to 470 ml) of it to your bathwater and soak for 20 minutes. The vinegar should help to get rid of toxins and bacteria that is causing your vaginal odor.

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