March 2015 - TrueFacts

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The Right Way To Calm A Lady
Lots of guys do not know how to calm and comfort their girlfriends when they are distressed or in a bad mode. Most o the guys worsen the situation by doing the wrong thing, do not make that mistake, follow this steps.

1. Give Her A Warm Hug
Pull her against you, but don't smother her. It is best not to leave her alone even if she says you should, at least not until you've tried at least five more times after that, just to be sure. Then when you leave, touch her shoulder, arm or back one last time and say "I'm here when you want me."

2. Carry Her Burdens
Speak in a low, soft voice and tell her "You're amazing/beautiful/i love you/etc." "I'm on your side." "We'll figure this out." "How can I help you feel better?" Getting her to talk to you is good, but a conversation is sometimes impossible, particularly if she is crying. Even if she doesn't respond, you can keep murmuring reassurances in her ear. ]
Offer to help her. Say "I hate seeing you upset. What can I do to help you?".
Reassure her. You can always say something romantic to cheer her up. For example, "I love you so much. We'll get through this together." It really helps her a lot.

3. Inquire What’s Wrong
If she doesn't want to tell you, don't pressure her. But having an idea of what's upsetting her can help you relieve her fear, sadness, etc. Do not tell her she "shouldn't be upset" or in any way say she is wrong to feel bad. Feelings are never wrong and you are there to be on her side.

4. Keep Your Opinion To Yourself
This is not a time for "right" or "wrong" as far as her upset feelings go. Even if you think she is "wrong" to be upset...that is not the point. The point is it upsets her. Do not try and convince her that she is "wrong" unless you want things to get 1,000 times worse. Wait until after you have comforted her and things have completely calmed down before seeking to open a real, calm and logical discussion. Until then, either agree with her (if you really do) or, if you don't agree, just stick with comforting sounds and hugging. Tell your side later!

5. Give Her Gentle Touches
Even if you're just a friend, these physical touches are so small they won't seem overly affectionate. If you're holding hands, use your thumb to rub small circles on the back of her hand. Running you thumb over her knuckles has the same effect. Placing one hand on the small of her back goes along with the first step, and you can gently hold her against you this way. Also try stroking her hair.

6.Be Patient
If your girlfriend is openly sobbing, it may take her a while to cry herself out. Continue these steps as long as necessary, until she's calmed down. She will love you for it. Do NOT leave her alone, even if she seems angry or grumpy, unless she has told you before that she prefers to be alone when upset.

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How To Remove Dark Circles Under your Eyes

Many people have been forced to look older than they actually are, and what is the thing behind this…Dark circles under the eyes. This has turned out to be a very common thing in the society, lots of people have being victims of this dark circles. It does not only make you look old, it reduces that special beauty of yours.4
Thanks to 4TrueFacts, there are remedies to this. And they are shortly explained below.

Get Enough Sleep.
It’s not completely clear why inadequate sleep results in dark circles under the eyes, but lack of sleep tends to cause the reduction of proper blood circulation. (Hence, increasing the appearance of darkness under the eyes.)
Try to get 7-9 hours per night, but at least 5 hours will do. Strive to get this and see the results.

Avoid Smoking And Drugs
Smoking can go a long way in contributing to those black circles. Being drug addictive is something to abstain from. Try avoiding these and of cause, the effects will be realized.

Take Enough Vitamins
Should it be that you find it difficult to sleep, I advise you to visit your pharmacist. Get enough vitamins that will enhance your sleeping capabilities. Lack of vitamins also reduces adrenal function, consume a good amount of greens necessary for calcium and magnesium that will enhance adrenal function.

Treat Nasal Congestions
Take nasal congestions seriously, because a blocked nose can cause the veins around the sinuses darkened.

Clean Those Cosmetics
Sometimes we bring thing to ourselves. After applying cosmetics to your face, including eye shadows and lots of others, you should clean and wash your face before going to bed. Not doing this leads to those dark circles under your eyes because the stain will remain there and will definitely bring those dark circles.

Eat Well
Practicing a well balanced diet also ensure good blood flow and circulation. Eating vitamins and vegetables ensures good body immune system and improves the general well being of the body.

With these few tips, this is enough to remove those dark circles under your precious eyes. Do not forget to share them with your friends and referring them to  

The Ibos Are Of Same Lineage As The Israelites

Many things have been said concerning the Ibos. And the sayings have all being whether the Ibos are of the Israelites lineage, why has tongues being rolling on this, this has been severally discussed not because it is a sweet topic but rather, because of the success of the Ibos, because of the lucky stars that follows them wherever they go.

The Ibos are one amongst the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. They are well known for their glowing exploits in business and trading.

Why have the Ibos often been compared with the Israelites, the short and simple answer to this is…because o their exploits when it comes to business, and they are everywhere and the last, they often succeed where many have failed.

For a broader comprehension of this article, let’s go back to the old days a little…

The Israelites were in those days of the old, the only nation after God’s own heart as do the Christians bible entails. Abraham was and is still the father of the nation, and was very much blessed by God because of his humility and respect. He bore Isaac after lying with his wife’s maid to born Ishmael (his wife brought this idea of sleeping with her maid, since she could not give him a child). But she later gave birth to Isaac.

Isaac grew and went to philistine, went he was in philistine he suffered famine, when he decided to move to Egypt (for there was bountiful food there) he was stopped on the way by God. He heard God’s voice which asked him to go back to philistine for he (God) promised his father (Abraham) that he would bless his descendants. Isaac obeyed and went back to philistine were he later became a wealthy business man, all attempt to stop him from maximizing his riches by the country’s elders proved abortive.

 He later gave birth to two sons namely Esau and Jacob. Esau of cause did sell his birthright to Jacob just for a plate of pottage. Jacob was hunted by Esau later on which made him flee.

 When he rested his head when he was in the wilderness God said to him that he will prosper him, for he is Abraham’s offspring. Jacob later was rich and gave birth to twelve (tribes of Israel). One of his sons Joseph also went through hard time but was later made a Governor. That was after he was imprisoned by Pharaoh. He gave birth to Ephraim and Manasseh, when he was old, he returned to his father (for he was sold to merchants by his brothers for their father loved him most) in order for his children to be blessed.

His father gave Ephraim (younger son) the larger portion of the blessing than Manasseh who was the oldest son.

Up until now God has been with the Israelites, for the rarely are won when they battle their enemies, just like the old days.

The above stories, when compared with the Ibos clearly do show that, the Ibos are somehow from the Israel lineage. Let us now compare them.

All of Abraham’s defendants suffered before becoming successful and rich.
So do most of the successful Ibos suffer before the later on become successful and rich.

All of Abraham’s descendants did not make wealth on their birth land, they went to a foreign land and were successful.
You all know that he Ibos do leave their homeland to a foreign land, in order to trade. And they do make their wealth there.

Abraham blessed Isaac who was successful and blessed Jacob who was also successful, and his son Joseph was also successful and his son Ephraim was also successful.
You will agree that the Ibos loves leaving fortunes for their sons before they die, they bless them by leaving riches for them to have.

Joseph worked hard, Isaac worked hard so did Jacob. They all worked hard and later became rich.
It is not a new thing that an Ibo man works out himself. And they over and over again make it, they later become rich.

Abraham’s descendants prospered in trading.
The Ibos like was earlier mentioned, are known for their high participation in trading. Most of the rich Ibos made it from trading.

We can go on and on, for there are many similarities between the Israel and he Ibos.
This should in no short, confirm that the Ibos are connected with the Israelites.

Share this with your friends; let them know what they do not know.

Foods That Will Grow Your Hair

long hairs

Everybody now wants to have long hairs, for this reason they have ended up messing it all up by applying all sort of chemicals on them. They forget that nature has we need. Among so many others, these are foods that grow your hair rapidly.

·        Eggs –
Since the hair is fundamentally made up of protein, and eggs are agents of protein so, eating the frequently is but with but with caution, helps grow your hair in a distant time. Chicken and duck eggs contain minerals, such as sulphur, iron and zinc, which are also needed for healthy hair growth.

·        Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes
You also need plenty vitamin A for good hair growth. Every cell in your body, in fact, needs vitamin A and it also helps in the production of the natural oils in your scalp, so it will stop your head from becoming dry and itchy. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, as also are carrots and pumpkin.

·        Avocado
Avocados are another great source of amazing, natural fatty acids. Great on their own, with salads or in sandwiches, avocados are packed with the good fats that your body and hair need and, you can always use them in a hair mask too, if you don’t feel like eating them.

·        Oysters
A lack of zinc in your diet can lead to hair loss and oysters are very rich in zinc, as well as they contain plenty of protein. If you don’t like the taste of oysters, you can also get zinc from fortified breakfast cereals and whole grain bread.

·        Vitamin C
Fresh fruit, such as blueberries, limes, strawberries, kiwis and oranges contain lots of vitamin C, and your hair really does need vitamin C, because it plays a vital role in the blood circulation in the tiny vessels that feed your hair follicles. With insufficient vitamin C content in your diet, your hair is more vulnerable to breakage. Brussels sprouts are also particularly rich in Vitamin C.

7. Iron, zinc in lean red meats
A lack of iron in your diet can also be a cause of thinning hair. Including lean red meat, such as beef, veal and lamb in your balanced diet will provide you with both protein and the essential mineral – iron.

8. Greens
Another good suggestion on how to make your hair grow faster is to include into your healthy diet fresh green leafy vegetables, like spinach, collards, kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, which are a great source of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for healthy hair growth. Spinach and Brussels sprouts, in particular, are a wonderful source of beta carotene, iron and vitamin C, all of which will feed and nourish your hair and promote a healthy supply of blood to the hair follicles.

9. Hair-healthy nuts: walnuts, cashews, butternuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans and hazelnuts
Walnuts, cashews and butternuts contain a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and are also rich in vitamins and biotin, which helps make your hair grow faster, thicker and longer, as well as to protect the cells of your hair from the sun. Almonds also are very high in biotin. You can eat walnuts, cashews, butternuts and almonds as a snack, use walnut or almond oil as a salad dressing or as a cooking oil, to reap all the benefits that these nuts have to offer. Macadamia nuts, pecans and hazelnuts are also very hair-healthy, but avoid buying them covered in sugar, chocolate or salt.

Extra Tips
And finally, always be gentle with your hair, because rough treatment can pull hair out or break it. Your hair is more fragile when it’s wet, so dry your locks gently with a towel and avoid rough brushing too.
Be careful how you use hair products, for too much of  its application does more harm than good in future.
Cutting off  broken hairs earlier prevents I from spreading, trimming your hair regularly helps.

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