4 Natural Simple Steps For A Longer and Thicker Eye Lashes - LADIES - TrueFacts

4 Natural Simple Steps For A Longer and Thicker Eye Lashes - LADIES

Stop Fixing Lashes, Stop Dyeing Lashes, FOLLOW our simple 4 Step Guide To Having A Longer, Thicker, Darker Eye Lashes.

It is of cause not a strange scenario when ladies are seeing trooping in and out of a beauty saloon just to see that the artificially get their eye lashes thicker and longer. Make up artists has since profited and also the bank figures of the artificial lashes manufacturers has dramatically increased. This is simply because the lashes do spice up the beauty of any human.

All applauds to you for clicking this link, below is a 4 step guide to ensuring a thicker, longer and darker lashes for extra natural beauty.

4 Natural Simple Steps For A Longer and Thicker Eye Lashes - LADIES

1. Be Gentle To Your Eye During Cleansing

Is of cause good to remember the need of washing away your make up after the day must have come to an end, but it is also good to remember that it is also good to calmly do that when you are close to your eye. Cleansing your eye for the purpose of either removing mascaras or eyeliners and shadows is good; but please do it gently for doing it the other way round might end up causing your lashes to fallout.


2. Keep It Moisturized
We do know that it is good for the body to be moisturized and to that we tend to opt for moisturizers either for body or hand. Many do choose to do a little lip balm before going to bed, it is also advised to do same for your lashes. Apply lip balm on your lashes before turning off your lights at night. (Apply at the tip not the root).

3. Use Good Products
Despite all the natural endowments, some still out of greed, go extra miles and use products that are harmful to them. Using good products also helps your lashes stay straight, darker, longer and thicker. Do not always go for a product you do not know well or have not heard of before. We can suggest good products that are very much affordable for you.

4. Good Nutrition
A well balanced and nutritious meal is helps for the general well being of an individual. For a full lashes, you will need to foods that contain iron (it helps to prevent hair loss). Having Vitamins A, C and E will help promote healthier hair and skin. A well nourished body improves the hair growth speed.


With all these tips, a more thicker, longer and darker lashes is guaranteed. Always stop by and invite friends. Share any piece of information you know will do good to friends.

Comments are welcomed!

1 comments and:

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for tis like this....keep it up

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