5 Foods that can cause Cancer! - Avoid Them - TrueFacts

5 Foods that can cause Cancer! - Avoid Them

There are many foods out there that can speed up or fight cancer, but in this post we are taing a look at 5 foods that can increase the risk of getting cancer. With cancer being one of the most horrible infections/diseases, avoiding it is wise. 

Now lets take a look at these foods that can increase the risk of getting cancer...

Refined Sugar
Reduce or stop your consumption of refined sugar; this refined sugar is harmful because it spike insulin levels and is a typical GMO. Consuming refined sugar can trigger the multiplication of cancer cells.

Hydrogenated Oil
Most people consume hydrogenated oil without even knowing it. Vegetable oil is an example of hydrogenated oil and it contains trans fat which is regarded as the nastiest of all fats. Hydrogenated Oils can cause cancer and various heart diseases. Better options to hydrogenated oil are palm, coconut and olive oil. Another one is the organic butter, which is also a better option.

Microwave Pop Corn
Though the Microwave pop Corn can be very tasty, it can also be very harmful. This is because Microwave pop corns contain artificial butter which also has chemicals that can be harmful to the lungs if it is inhaled. Air popping your pop corn and also adding your own flavor is the best option there is.

Red Meat
Research and studies has proved that consuming red meat increases the risk of cancer. Stopping totally the consumption of red meat is not a must; but opting for organic beef that feeds on naturally bred grass is a better option, as it can help fight against some cancers.

Processed Meat
Avoiding the frequent consumption of foods that contain processed meat such as hot dogs, sausages, beef roll, Bacon etc will go a long way in reducing the risk of getting cancer.

Keeping track of what you consume is essential if you want to remain healthy and kicking.

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