5 Dog characters and what they mean - TrueFacts

5 Dog characters and what they mean

5 Dog characters and what they mean

If you have a dog then you know what it feels like not to understand your dog. Sometimes you wish you just could understand what he is trying to tell you, but ohhh…you cannot. Why, because you are human not a dog.
But since we the inhabitants of earth like findings and solving puzzles, some characters which dogs depicts have been solved and decoded. Here we look at just 5 characters dogs portray that were hidden to you.

1. Stamps the grass after pooping.
Sometimes you might be worried and even angered by your dog when it poops on your lawn and then stamps on it continuously, whereby destroying your lawn. What this means is that the dog is simply trying to hide or cover its mess (poop).

2. Leans on you
If your dog leans on you it only means one thing; that he is thinking about you. The dog just needs you to comfort and be it paddy at that moment. All you have to do is show the dog some piece of love by either playing with it or giving it a warm cuddling.

3. Is your dog chewing papers?
Well this is natural; because a dog is actually an animal that is not as unique as man. Dogs are tamed to be domestic, so all this means is that your dog is just depicting some natural and born-with character. After all, wild dogs out there eat their prey.

4. Moving body parts while sleeping
Sometimes you see your dog moving it pawns and he seems to be moving his longs and acting as if he is running, ya it is okay. You dream right, that is what your dog is doing, he is dreaming.

5. Does your dog bury objects?
If your dog buries objects then he is just portraying yet another common natural trait of he’s. Wild dogs or even wolves do bury their prey; this is because they have high value for it. Instead of just wasting the meal, they bury it and then come back later for it. That is what your dog is doing. Whatever he buries, he loves.

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