ANDROID vs IOS - TrueFacts


As each hour keeps clocking, the world have continuously witnessed a never-ending trend in the world of technology. Among many of those, the IOS and Android Operating Systems are some of those technologies that have robustly hit the four corners of the world, hence raising an interesting and educating debate.

For the purpose of good comprehension and knowledge, the two big names in the world of technology are briefly elucidated.

Android – The Android OS is a mobile Operating System which is based on the Linux Kernel. Android is primarily designed for smartphones, tablets which are usually touchscreen and devices in the likes of wrist watches (Android Wear), cars (Android Auto) among others. The Android OS is developed by Google.

IOS – The IOS, which was originally called the Iphone OS, produced and as well, developed by Apple Inc. It runs only on the devices like the Ipad, Iphone, Ipad and Ipod Touch which are all developed Apple Inc.

The IOS and Android OS both have their similarities and differences, their edge above each other. It totally relies on ones choice to use either of the operating systems.


The Android OS is of the LINUX family and it is programmed in C, C++, and Java. The IOS on the other hand is of the UNIX and programmed in C, C++ and Objective-C.



The Android OS unlike the IOS gives users full control of their device in the sense that it is totally customizable, while in the IOS you must jailbreak the device before you can customize the device to your taste.


Media Sharing

For sharing a media file with a device running on the IOS, a desktop application is required, while in the Android OS no desktop app is needed, media files can easily be shared to and from.


The Android OS possesses a widget feature; the IOS has its own widget only in the Notification-Center.


There are many more interesting features possessed by the two OS, the debates between the two are never ending as both OS keep wowing its users with new features in fresh releases.

1 comments and:

Bakhxi Real Estate said...

i like Android then iphone.

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