Natural remedies to ADHD - TrueFacts

Natural remedies to ADHD



Since civilisation, many people have turned to modern medication for their health issues and have all forgotten about the old ways. Decades of years passed, natural remedies were to solve health related issues and those remedies have always provided positive results. But with the rising modernisation and with both scientific and technological discoveries and findings, the use medications provided by doctors and physicians have skyrocketed, and the use of natural remedies to avert some certain health issues happens in a blue moon.

ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder; in this scenario controlling attention and being cautious is at zero level and the rate of rashness is high. With the major cause of this yet to be known, many people see ADHD as a natural disorder and it currently has no scientific cure. Some of the major causes of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are Genetic history, Society and Environment.

The genetic link can cause ADHD as the ancestral lineage might have a character having ADHD, through which it was passed down and might turn into a trait. The society where a child is can also contribute to ADHD; a child that is subjected to or has experienced constant emotional abuse and violence is likely to have ADHD. The environment and society in which a child finds his or her self can also affect him or her ADHD wise.

Various studies have proved that medications have had no major improvement a child’s behaviour and attention difficulties within the ages of 5-14 years. These studies further proved that the level in which they view their selves and the way they integrate socially has also not improved. The research further showed that children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder performed lesser than they should. And continues use of medications can cause sleeplessness, loss of appetite, suicide attempt and heart problem.

Nevertheless, the old ways have never failed and it will never fail; that is why we are looking at several natural means by which one can curb ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


Yoga Classes

Yes it might seem so weird, but children that participate in yoga classes and exercise have fewer daydreams and with time they stop having daydreams and start having paying more attention and becomes very focused and rarely distracted. With yoga been an exercise which disciplines one mentally, physically and spiritually, often practiced for relaxation and freeing the mind. Yoga can help curb ADHD. With just time and a perfect spot been what is needed, there is more to it than is required for it. A dedicated practice of Yoga shall prove to be an effective step to remedying Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Tender Massage

Usually, massaging helps relaxes someone who is a victim of fatigue due to much stress and also someone who is suffering from mental disorder. Getting or giving massage really helps to calm hyperactivity by calming the mind and it increases ones concentration as massaging helps calms and makes one concentrate on the exercise. Continues massaging is also a natural remedy for ADHD.


Avoid Food Allergens

Allergens causes food allergy which in turn causes hypersensitivity of the human immune system to certain foods. Avoiding food allergy helps a child to have a decent behaviour.

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