The Best 7 Movies To Watch - TrueFacts

The Best 7 Movies To Watch


There are things you would want to do in your leisure time; you might want to go the park, play football on the pitch or in the front of your TV, but there is another activity you are no thinking about, and it is watching a movie but not just any movies. These movies are the type that makes you not to want to leave that sit, and you would not want the movie to end.

These movies are movies from the desk of outstanding producer and directors, made live by some of the world’s great actors and actresses; I bet you are getting more eager to get to know the names of these movies. So, let’s get started already, make sure you watch these movies because you wouldn’t want to miss the thrills and fun in it.

 The Dark Night

The Dark Night is a superhero movie based on a comic character known as “Batman.” The movie features a superhero known as “Batman,” who declares war on crime and villains on the streets of a city called “Gotham.” With the help of a lieutenant in the police force, everything seems to be going just fine until Gotham City’s superhero Batman faces a criminal lunatic who goes by the name “The Joker”. The actions and the suspense in the movie put “The Dark Night” in the list of good movies to watch.

 Universal Soldier

The movie features Van Damme, who starred as Luc Deveraux and Dolph Lundgren, who starred as Andrew Scot. The two major characters who happens to be on the same unit in the army, during the war (in Vietnam) clashed, as Deveraux’s senior officer Scot became violently unstable and that caused a clash between the duos. Their bodies were retrieved, and they were both put in an intensive training and made to be unquestionable killing machines; but as their memories keep coming back slowly, they clash between them reignites as the action and suspense posed by the movie makes it thrilling.

The Matrix

 This movie might be the movie with the best Sci-Fi (Science Fiction) you have ever watched in your whole life. The movie is all about a computer genius known as Neo (in the movie) who programs by the day but hacks at night. Contacted by a hack pro known as Morpheus, who wants to show him, the real world after the government tagged him a terrorist. The world where humans are held captives by a race of machines that lives off humans’ body heat. Chased and wanted by the Police, Neo faces the task of defeating super computerized agents, who are guards of The Matrix.

 300 (Spartans)

300 is a 2006 production though it is almost a decade old; the action in the movie is one of the basics that made this movie be in this list of good movies to watch. Forced to leave their loved ones to fight and defend their freedom, independence and pride; 300 Spartans with the leadership of King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) fought thousands of Persian soldiers, betrayed by someone whom they trusted, their fate lies with their gods.


Apocalypse Now

This movie is rated 10/10 by those who have watched the movie; it is of cause a masterpiece. A US Army Captain’s mission is to find and eliminate a Green Beret Colonel, who the US Army said, is insane and also supervises hit-and-run operations against Viet Cong. With the Captain out to carry out his mission, he discovers that his target is one of the most decorated Army Personnel in the US Army. The action and suspense await you!

Fatal Attraction

This one is suspense, fear, and regrets. It was supposed to be just a passionate and intimate night of experience with a colleague but later turned out to be the worst and the most fearful night ever. He slept with his colleague while his wife was away, now he faces a stern threat!

 Glengarry Glen Ross

If you do work for a living, then this one is definitely for you. With salesmen in a Real Estate office in Chicago given an ultimatum to get sales, they are given three slots, and no one wants to be in the third one. Find out the comedy, suspense and the unanticipated consequences.

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