Ladies Are Dirtier Than Guys...See Why - TrueFacts

Ladies Are Dirtier Than Guys...See Why

Guys Are Neater

Some ladies are already frowning while others are already pouring out a lot on the author of this post for just the topic the saw…

Understand first the article before frowning, Ladies Are Dirtier than Guys, that is the topic. It is not that guys are not dirty, they are, but ladies are the ones with the bigger half. If you want to argue, you can are free to use the comment box, but before then you will want to continue reading this.

Dirtiness is not hygienic at all to both parties (guys and ladies), but since there is something called dirtiness, people must practice it, and the party that does that more are ladies. (Sorry!!!!)

It is not something new that ladies are dirtier than the guys when it comes to the inner aspect, of cause they are very neat and yummy physically when they are all dressed up and cat walking around, sometimes you wonder if they at all answer nature’s call (you should know what I mean).

Ladies are one of a kind, very special to the society, whatever they are involved in, they do it more than everyone else. Among all the negative qualities ladies possess, pretense is what is common among all of them. They pretend a lot.

More than 60% of the ladies you see gleaming in your school, place of work, where you go shopping etc. are Omni Dirty at their various homes. The amazing stuff is you will never expect it from them. They look so neat when they are out there, that makes you wonder if their feet have ever touched the ground. 

When you will be shocked to the degree that you will be open your mouth and if you are unfortunate, you will end up having a fly inside there as a meat.
At their houses they are very dirty, starting from how they handle their under wears to the way they keep their rooms.

Ladies are generally dirtier than guys because they have to change their undies everyday and you can believe me that not all does that. They have more openings than guys meaning they have more waste bins where dirt are contained than guys.  With all that said, it finally brings us to the main B of C (bone of contention) ladies are dirtier than guys. 

Since they are more exposed to dirt than guys, they are dirtier than guys. But not to forget, if you think you can argue, you are welcome to use the comment box.

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