Funny Character A Cock Demonstrates - TrueFacts

Funny Character A Cock Demonstrates


Funny Characteristics Cocks Emits

cock giving hen, tough time
Cock chasing hen

The creation, especially the creatures is one hell of a funny stuff on earth. Every animal has its annoying, funny and fearful side, but not all has the fearful side though.
Cocks however demonstrate this very funny character that is necessary for continuity. This character I will say is what every living creature observes in order to extend the existence of its like.

The character talked about is…the mating period, when the cock chases the hen to hell if she would dare run to that place. When the cock is in the mood and the hen Is playing hard to get, the cock chases the hen for God knows how long till he gets what he wants.

Cock chasing hen
Cock Busy with Business
And that thing he wants is…her a**. Sorry for using that word (winks). Buts that the truth, and the only thing that will hinder the cock from drilling that *** is if unfortunately for him, the other guy appears, or if we the humans chases him away.
How much it’s going to hurt the cock. Anyways, what is worth having is worth not giving up on. All the cock does is to wait again.

It’s really funny seeing the cock chase the hen, the chase is like a when you are playing EA’s Hot Chase.

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