How To Get Soft And Pink Lips - TrueFacts

How To Get Soft And Pink Lips

Get Soft And Pink Lips

Soft and Pink Lips

Everybody will love to have soft lips, and not only soft but also will love for the lips to be pink, generally making and giving a beautiful face. Unfortunately many people cannot achieve this because of harsh weather conditions, bad habits, and bad diet.
Well if you are among those vying for supple pink lips, you need not to worry anymore because nature has all it takes to give you those soft, pink lips. Below are some natural ways you can get your lips pink and soft.

1. Glycerin Application
one of the most defects of the lips is dryness, to fix this, you need a glycerin and cotton. Dip the cotton in the glycerin and apply it on your lips before going to sleep. By doing this, it will nourish your lips while you were busy sleeping, where by giving you supple and pink lips
3. The Cucumber juice
This one is very common, for the reason that many already knows that cucumber does a great deal of work in lightening a skin. Applying cucumber on your lips goes a long way in turning your dark unattractive lips to pink.
4. Lemon-honey Remedy
Lemon-Honey Remedy is one of the restorative treatments for your lips. This Lemon-Honey remedy goes a long way in moisturizing and producing that pink pigment for your lips. All you have to do is mix a reasonable amount of Lemon Juice and Honey in equal quantity, stir and then apply it on the lips, leave it for about 60 minutes. Rinse it with clean water and your lips will subsequently become soft and pink. This remedy helps you combat away the tanning on the lips due to sun exposure. You can do it multiple times a day for quick results.

5. Toothbrush Massage
Another of having soft-pink lips is by regularly massaging it using a toothbrush, what this does, is to remove the dead skin. Collect a soft and moist toothbrush and calmly rub it on your lips. Be gentle with it or you will end up hurting your lips. Massaging your lips in this way stimulate blood flow to the lips, causing them to be soft and pink.

6. Honey-sugar Solution
Get a honey and add an amount of granulated sugar to it. Apply this solution on your lips. What it does is to moisturize the lips as well as removing the dead skin. You will find your lips pinker and supple by doing this frequently. 

 How to get soft and pink lips

Extra Tips
Keep yourself well hydrated - it will help you get those beautiful pink lips. So drink a lot of water.
  Smoking of cause makes the lips dark, if not for the sake of beauty, at least for your health. Avoid smoking.
  Avoid too much coffee/tea for the caffeine in them causes your lips to be dark.
If you are not fond of eating fruits then make it a habit, because their natural vitamin contents helps in keeping your body nourished. Giving you beautiful lips, that is pink and soft.
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